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Display Picture is for PERSONAL USE ONLY / All the design copyrights owned by SCD Balaji. Any Commercial usage of SCD Balaji's images directly or modified without prior permission is subject to legal action.

Display Picture is for PERSONAL USE ONLY / All the design copyrights owned by SCD Balaji. Any Commercial usage of SCD Balaji's images directly or modified without prior permission is subject to legal action.

Display Picture is for PERSONAL USE ONLY / All the design copyrights owned by SCD Balaji. Any Commercial usage of SCD Balaji's images directly or modified without prior permission is subject to legal action.

Display Picture is for PERSONAL USE ONLY / All the design copyrights owned by SCD Balaji. Any Commercial usage of SCD Balaji's images directly or modified without prior permission is subject to legal action.

Display Picture is for PERSONAL USE ONLY / All the design copyrights owned by SCD Balaji. Any Commercial usage of SCD Balaji's images directly or modified without prior permission is subject to legal action.

Display Picture is for PERSONAL USE ONLY / All the design copyrights owned by SCD Balaji. Any Commercial usage of SCD Balaji's images directly or modified without prior permission is subject to legal action.

Display Picture is for PERSONAL USE ONLY / All the design copyrights owned by SCD Balaji. Any Commercial usage of SCD Balaji's images directly or modified without prior permission is subject to legal action.
Illustration & Lettering Style inspired from Centuries old Victorian Engrave, Scratchboard and Woodcut Illustrations from Europe.
Main Caption: Hand Lettered | Quotes: Wizarding World Typeface
குறள் 423:
எப்பொருள் யார்யார்வாய்க் கேட்பினும் அப்பொருள்
மெய்ப்பொருள் காண்ப தறிவு.
Kural 423:
Wisdom grasps the truth
Of whatever and by whomever said.
© Tiruvalluvar. Kural . Penguin Books Ltd. Kindle Edition.
எந்தவொரு பொருள்குறித்து எவர் எதைச் சொன்னாலும், அதை அப்படியே நம்பி ஏற்றுக் கொள்ளாமல் உண்மை எது என்பதை ஆராய்ந்து தெளிவதுதான் அறிவுடைமையாகும்.
Wisdom’s the sieve that keeps the grain
And lets the rest just drain - Tiruvalluvar; Gandhi, Gopalkrishna. The Tirukkural (p. 47). Aleph Book Company.
Whatever is heard from whomever’s lips, wisdom will rightly discern its true meaning. -
Subramuniyaswami, Satguru Sivaya. Weaver's Wisdom: Ancient Precepts for a Perfect Life
To discern the truth in every thing, by whomsoever spoken, is wisdom.
Conceptualised, Illustrated and Lettered by © SCD Balaji
கருத்தோவியங்கள்: © ச சொ த பாலாஜி
Book: Thirukkural நூல்: திருக்குறள்
Author: Thiruvalluvar நூலாசிரியர்: திருவள்ளுவர்
Year: c. 500 CE (or earlier) வெளியிடப்பட்டது: சுமார் கி.மு. 3 – 1 நூற்றாண்டுகள்
Section: Wealth பால்: பொருட்பால்
Chapter 43: Wisdom | அதிகாரம் 43: அறிவுடைமை