SCD Balaji at IIM, Bangalore - Personal Branding Workshop for IIM Entrepreneurs
.... Create your venture and be successful in what you love
.... Channelize your interests and prioritize anything and everything
.... Lead a regret-free life (when you turn back when you are 60 you'll have no regrets about your career)
.... Stand out from the crowd and fear-not about the changing trends

SCD Balaji at IIM, Bangalore - Personal Branding Workshop for IIM Entrepreneurs

SCD Balaji at Freshworks, Chennai - Personal Branding Workshop for Creative Enthusiasts
This particular workshop has transformed many artists and aspiring creative entrepreneurs at NID, IIM, FreshDesk and much more places.

SCD Balaji at Freshworks, Chennai - Personal Branding Workshop for Creative Enthusiasts

Why Online? To take the wisdom to as many creative people as possible without boundary.

2. 10:30 am – 11:00 am - Super power of Creative Entrepreneurs
3. 11:00 am - 12:30 pm - Personal Branding
4. 12:30 pm - 01:00 pm - Q&A
5. 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm - Sculpt your Personal Brand
Mr Vignesh
+91 93847 44497
Program Co-ordinator